
Your DNA Guide - The Book: Step-by-Step Plans to Connect You With Your Family Using Your DNA

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 252 pages
Author: D. Southard
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9781734613902
Other: glossary
Publisher: Your DNA Guide

You don't have to learn everything about genetic genealogy before asking specific questions of your DNA!

That's the premise of Diahan Southard's brand new book, Your DNA Guide - the Book.

DNA test results from AncestryDNA, 23andMe and other companies can reveal more than ethnicity percentages. They may be key to finding your unknown relatives from biological parents to 2X great grandparents. Your DNA Guide-the Book takes you on a step-by-step journey of discovery, providing clear explanations to help you find answers. You'll follow concrete plans, learning important DNA concepts--in plain English-as you go. Do you want to learn who your 2X great grandmother is? Turn to page 23. Do you want to know how you are related to one of your DNA matches? Page 37. As you proceed, you check your progress and get new guidance based on your specific results at each stage. (Including troubleshooting, like when your matches just aren't responding or your great-grandparents turn out to be first cousins.)

This powerful, hands-on approach is based on Diahan's 20 years of experience in the genetic genealogy industry and especially in the past five years, as she helps clients one-on-one make DNA discoveries. It became clear to her that while each client's situation may be unique, there are patterns in how you can find solutions that you can apply yourself.

Your DNA Guide - the Book is for anyone who has taken a DNA test and wants to know more. It helps genealogists reconstruct family trees. It helps adoptees identify biological relatives. It can help you identify a specific DNA match. In short, it helps anyone explore what their DNA (and their matches), can tell them about their family,

 - Things youneed to know
 - An Overview
 - Family tree
 - Ancestral ethnicity results
 - Staying organized
 - Tips

Works your plan
 - The map
 - The basic process
 - Choose your research goal
 - Searching for biological parents
 - Searching for grandparents
 - Searching for greats
 - Searching for 2x greats
 - Searching for 3x greats
 - Identifying a DNA match
 - Step-by-step plans

Learning guides
 - Centimorgans: what you need to know
 - Cheating tools
 - Checking genetics vs genealogy
 - Chromosome browsers
 - Communicating with your matches
 - Confirmation bias
 - Discovering close family relationships
 - Drawing on your match's tree
 - Endogamy
 - Expanding your genetic network
 - Expanding your genetic network part II
 - Family groups
 - Finding living people 
 - Finding the generation of connection
 - Finding the generation of connection the hard way
 - Genealogy: building your own family tree
 - Genealogy: descendancy research
 - Genealogy: Quick and simple tree
 - Generating trees for groups of DNA matches
 - Getting unstuck
 - Half relationships
 - Labeling matches
 - Match block
 - mtDNA basics
 - Pedigree collapse
 - Removed cousins
 - Research log
 - Segment size
 - Shared centimorgan project
 - Shared matches tool
 - Strategy: ask the wife
 - Strategy: bottoms up
 - Strategy: cousin categories
 - Strategy: leftovers
 - Targeting DNA testing
 - Tell your story
 - Unless
 - YDNA basics
 - Glossary


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Your DNA Guide - The Book: Step-by-Step Plans to Connect You With Your Family Using Your DNA

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