
Victorian Government Gazette 1895 - USB

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Media: USB flash drive (4546 pages)
Year: (1895) 2025
ISBN: 9781742227849
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

The Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of Australia and its people in the past.

A massive volume of over 4,500 pages, the 1895 gazette includes information relating to a wide variety of topics – of interest to both genealogists and historians:

  • Business partnerships – both the creation and dissolution
  • Cemetery trustees
  • Executions
  • Government appointments and general notices
  • Intestacies, insolvencies and wills
  • Land records
  • Lost and stolen animals, impoundings
  • Mining companies and leases granted
  • Patents and trademarks
  • Plans for towns and parishes
  • Successful tenderers for government works
  • Unclaimed letters

Some items of interest in the 1895 Gazette are: The Income Tax Act 1895, Mining Leases Declared Void, Licences to Distil, List of Persons Employed in the Public Service, Visiting Chaplains to Gaols, Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan, Mining Leases, Roll of Merchants and Traders, Roll of Underwriters, Roll of Pilots, Roll of Engineers, Roll of Masters and Roll of Seamen.

Example entry:

WHEREAS by the Health, Act 1800 it is amongst other things enacted that the Board of Public Health may, upon such proof as it thinks sufficient that any house or building contains any person suffering from small-pox, order that such house be effectually isolated until such order be revoked or until the issue or refusal of an Order in Council under the provisions of section 127 of the said Act : And whereas it is also enacted by such A ct that all the powers, rights, and authorities vested in the above-named Board shall whenever he deems fit be exercisable by the Minister : Now therefore I, the Minister of Health of the colony of Victoria, being satisfied with the proof furnished to me of the existence of small-pox in the end ward of the building know n as the Refractory Block at the Melbourne Hospital, together with a bedroom adjoining such ward, also in the house numbered 48 in Walsh-street, West Melbourne, do hereby order and direct that the said premises be effectually isolated until this order be revoked or until the issue or refusal of an Order in Council as aforesaid.
Minister of Health.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.


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Victorian Government Gazette 1895 - USB

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