
Victorian Directory 1935 (Sands and McDougall) - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF, 222MB (2230 pages)
Author: J. Sands & McDougall
Year: (1935) 2025
ISBN: 9781921893377 
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

A massive directory of 2,230 pages, this Sands and McDougall directory, which in 1935 was in its 79th year of publication, consists not only of a Melbourne Directory, but also its Suburbs and the country areas too. It is divided into five main sections:

  • City Streets Directory, with a street index, and street by street listings of all houses and the householder at each address
  • A Country Towns Directory section that lists people alphabetically for each town together with their occupation
  • An Alphabetical Directory covering the whole of Victoria
  • Melbourne and Suburban Professional and Trade Directory, listing people by their trade
  • Country Professional and Trade Directory, complements the Melbourne list to give coverage of all Victoria

Separate directories are given for the following areas, making the work comprehensive and complete:

  • Agricultural and Pastoral – lists people alphabetically by their agricultural activity
  • Government and Official – Commonwealth and Victorian office bearers
  • Legal and Judicial – including Justices of the Peace
  • Municipal
  • Ecclesiastical – the Australian Church, Baptist Union of Victoria, Catholic Apostolic, Christadelphian, Churches of Christ, Church of Christ Scientist, Church of England, Congregational, Free Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox, Hebrew Congregation, Lutheran, Methodist, New Church, Particular Baptist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist, Society of Friends (Quakers), Unitarian Church, Welsh Presbyterian Churches
  • Asylums, Homes, Cemeteries, Friendly Societies, and Hospitals

The directory includes many pages of advertisements - all useful information, often including names of people and places. The whole directory, including most text in the advertisements, is searchable, useful not only for finding names, but also places, occupations and other information for family and local historians.

Bird Dealers
Baker & Sons, 111 Bourke-st
Bass, A., 216 High-st, St. K.
Brett Bros, 409 High-st, Nthc.
Bridgeman, A., 801 Sydney-rd, Bwk.
Bridges, F., 226 Barkly-st, Ftscy.
Coote, Mrs J., 710 Mt. Alexander-rd, M. Pds.
Desnoy, H. W., 172 Glen Huntly-rd, Elst.
Dobbie & Sons, 111 Bourke-st
Double, W., 220 Gertrude-st, Ftzry.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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Victorian Directory 1935 (Sands and McDougall) - EBOOK

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