Tasmania Reports of Crime 1861 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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- AUE6103-1861
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF, 7MB (134 pages)
Year: (1861) 2024
ISBN: 9781921515194
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
The Tasmanian Police Gazettes (or Reports of Crime as they were initially called), began in January 1861.
A wonderful resource of interesting historical information with names, dates and events for historians, the Police Gazettes provided information and instructions to members of the police force. You can expect the Tasmanian Police Gazettes to include the following information that will usually list names and some imes personal details, descriptions with photograph, addresses and/or occupations may be an added bonus for the researcher:
- apprehensions
- convict returns
- disciplining of police
- escapees and absconders from custody
- housebreakers and burglars
- licensed carriers
- deserting wives, families, etc
- deserting from military service
- deserting from merchant vessels
- inquests
- missing friends
- murderers and their victims
- police resignations
- prisoners discharged from gaols
- prisoners released on tickets of leave
- property recovered
- rewards - names of persons offering a reward
- victims of arson
- victims of horse and cattle stealing or straying
- victims of lost or stolen property
- victims of sheep stealing or straying
Example entry taken from the 13 September 1861 issue: [Note this is a small extract only]
The under-mentioned Ticket-of-Leave holders having failed to report themselves a the respective Police Offices of their Districts, are now Absconders (vide Hobart Town Gazette, 3rd September, 1861).
2526 Briddon, James, per Rodney 1.
195 Copsey, John, per Admiral Cockburn.
2366 Carberry, John, per Maitland.
15,385 Coyle, Peter, per Elizabeth and Henry.
2011 Downes, James, per Countess of Harcourt.
195 Donnelly, David, per Stephen & G. Phillip.
956 Fisher, Ambrose, per Royal George.
2673 Fitzpatrick, John, per Lord Auckland 2.
1231 Bidby, Elizabeth, per D. of Northumberland.
764 Speckman, Alice, per Waverley.
350 Thomas, Martha, per Aurora.
Gazettes are published by governments and their agencies as a means of communication to officials and the general public. As such they are useful, not only to monitor the actions of the government, but also as far as family historians are concerned, they are valuable primary source documents.
A valuable resource of historical information, this publication is now readily available for all to use. Containing high quality scanned images of the whole years worth of issues, is bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
NOTE: this product is normally supplied as a digital download
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- Tasmanian police gazette index - indexes to 74 years of gazettes - FREE download
- Tasmanian police gazette collection - 74 years of gazettes on a searchable USB flash drive
- All Tasmanian police gazettes
- All Tasmanian products - books, data CDs, ebooks
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