
Robert Mitchell: Pioneer Missioner to Inland

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 112 pages
Author: R, Scrimgeour
Year: 1994
Other: 36 illustrations


Rev. Robert Mitchell (1851- 1929) was first in the field in a number of areas in the Presbyterian Church. He became the first theological student to be ordained by the Presbytery of South Australia, and later was the first minister of the Port Augusta Presbyterian Church. In 1894, as the first missioner to the Smith of Dunesk Mission at Beltana in the north of South Australia, he pioneered the inland work of the Australian Presbyterian Church as he travelled among the people of the outback, 'these neglected people' as he called them, as minister, doctor, dentist, social worker and friend. This work later developed, under the leadership of Rev. John Flynn, into the Australian Inland Mission with its wide network of patrols, hostels, medical work, radio communications and the beginnings of the flying doctor service.

Mitchell was a man of tremendous energy, dedication, enthusiasm, and practical ability. The people of the outback had a very special place in his heart for the last fifty years of his life. The story of this true pioneer needs to be told so that his name can be remembered in the history of the Church and its outreach into the inland areas of Australia.




CHAPTER! 1851-1867 - “... my old dearly loved home.”—Robert Mitchell 1871

CHAPTER 2 1868-1870 - “Physically at winnowing ... mentally at theology.”—Robert Mitchell 1870

CHAPTER 3 1871-1872 - "... subjects of great importance.”—Robert Mitchell 1871

CHAPTER 4 1872-1882 - "... his labours have been signally blessed .—Clare petition to Presbytery 1882

CHAPTER 5 1882-1894 - “Of cloudy days and testing circumstances ...”—Robert Mitchell 1893

CHAPTER 6 - "... Blacks alone, not whites.”—Mrs Henrietta Smith of Dunesk 1871

CHAPTER 7 1895-1898 - “These neglected people ...”—Robert Mitchell 1902

CHAPTER 8 1899-1922 - ... untiring efforts of our honoured pastor.”—Goodwood Annual Report 1902

CHAPTER 9 1922-1929 - "... you work too hard ... but you will not stop ..—James Lyall 1902

CHAPTER 10 - “The formation of the AIM was laid ... by Robert Mitchell” —Minute adopted by AIM Board 1929

Bibliography 107

Index 109

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Robert Mitchell: Pioneer Missioner to Inland

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