
Remarkable People, Events and Buildings of the Past: Short Stories Relating to Broken Hll and District

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 158 pages
Author: J. Camilleri
Year: 2010
ISBN: 9780646532264
Other: b&w photos, maps
Publisher: Jenny Camilleri

One can only imagine the hardships, love and dedication these people endured during their life. Starting a new life in a strange area was a challenge especially not knowing of the water and food. Dealing with extreme conditions during both winter and summer, we will never comprehend exactly what those pioneers endured.

The author has compiled these short stories as they needed to be preserved, to be read by admiring readers, who in turn learn that life was not meant to be easy, as well as learning about the history of the people, land, events and buildings associated with Broken Hill's history.

Payment must be made in Australian dollars, and can be paid by cheque or money order.

Cost of book: $26.00 (exc GST), postage within Australia $4.00 per book
For posting overseas, please contact the author

This title can be ordered direct from:
Jenny Camilleri
75 Pell Street
Broken Hill
NSW 2880
Phone: (08) 8088 1321

Harrod Sisters life in the outback
Jack and Joe Stokie, well known pioneers of the outback of New South Wales
Joe Johnson, incredible journey to Mount Brown Gold Field 1881
Sydney Pickles, mapping the first passenger air flight to Broken Hill in 1919
Stage Coaches
Police Stations in Broken Hill
Argent Street fire
Other historical buildings
Broken Hill Court House
Stock Exchange
Palace Hotel
Pirie Building

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Remarkable People, Events and Buildings of the Past: Short Stories Relating to Broken Hll and District

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