
Queensland Police Gazette 1885 - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 16MB (303 pages)
Year: (1885) 2023
ISBN: 9781921315305
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

During 1885 the Queensland Police Gazette was issued fortnightly, and stated that it "contains information received in cases of felony and of misdemeanour, and against receivers of stolen property, reputed thieves, and offenders escaped from custody, with the time, place, and circumstances of the offences, and description of offenders or those suspected, giving the appearance, dress, and other marks of identity, with every particular which may lead to their apprehension; and a description, as accurate as possible, of property that has been stolen, horses, &c."

This truly is an historian's goldmine of information which cannot be found elsewhere. Apart from any changes within the police force which are all listed, information is also given on housebreak-ins, robberies, arson, murders, lost horses and cattle, deserters, escaped prisoners, reports on those released, even deaths reported to the police (together with their place of death and cause of death given). Notices from interstate police gazettes are sometimes included.

A feature of this particular year's worth of issues is that is contains lists of requiring licenses, such as billiard licences, wholesale spirit dealers, retail spirit dealers, auctioneers and packet licenses. Even transfers (and cancellations) of publicans licenses are reported.

SAMPLE ENTRIES (from the 14 February 1885 issue):

Arson - £50 REWARD
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, directs it to be notified that a Reward of £50 will be paid to any person, not being a principal in the crime, who may give information which will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons who, on the night of the 26th of October last, set fire to the premises of C.D. Clarke, chemist, situated in Bourbon street, Bundaberg, and that a Free Pardon will be granted to any accomplice, not being the actual perpetrator of the crime, who may give such information.
For the Colonial Secretary,
James R. Dickson

Attempted Murder
Lucius, alias Lucas, is charge, on warrant issued by the Ingham Bench, with attempting to murder George North, of Keppel Creek, by stabbing him in the abdomen with a sheath-knite[sic], about 6 p.m. on the 13th ultimo. Description:- A native of Manilla, 22 years of age, 5 feet high, very slight build, small narrow wizened features; speaks in a low tone of voice; understands very little English; generally dresses in light trousers, white shirt or jacket, a cap with a peak; wears a belt with a sheath-knife. Supposed to be still concealed in the cane fields in that locality, or may endeavour to get to Townsville, or Johnstone River.
5th February, 1885.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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