Queensland Miscellaneous Publications Collection (USB)
Archive Digital Books Australasia
- SKU:
- AU4-U05
- Availability:
- Usually Ships Within 7 Days
Media: USB flash drive - 1 USB (108 products, 82,918 pages)
Year: 2014
ISBN: 9781925135636
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
If you have a strong interest in the history of Queensland, this collection of 108 'Miscellaneous' Queensland-related titles on USB is a great collection.
Combining many biographies and memoirs, local histories from all around Queensland, genealogy society journals, street atlases of Brisbane, military history, gold mining histories, general histories of the State, religious histories, motoring guides ... even the Queensland Blue Books, which are lists of government workers, and contain great information.
Listing approx. 2.5 million names throughout the collection, it's a great reference for those with an interest Queensland and the people there
A collection of 108 Queensland miscellaneous publications
- 82,918 pages
- 2,479,628 names (estimate)
- retail price for products if purchased separately $2449.50
- supplied on USB flash drive with master index enabling searching the entire collection in a single search
- supplied as fully searchable PDF filesscans of the original pages, with underlying searchable text
Unlike many products available from international data providers, these files are searchable on every word, not just select names (as far as the original text quality allows conversion to searchable text files). And should there be significant additions to this product in a later version a low-cost upgrade option will be available to those who have purchased this collection
Products included in this collection (also available for separate purchase - search using either the code or the product title)
- AU1002 New South Wales & Queensland
- AU4001 Early history of Warwick District
- AU4003 Aldine History of Queensland
- AU4004 Queensland Freeman 1881-1888
- AU4005 Queensland Baptist Compendium 1890-1990
- AU4005-1 Queensland Baptist 1890-1902
- AU4005-2 Queensland Baptist 1903-1913
- AU4005-3 Queensland Baptist 1923-1931
- AU4005-4 Queensland Baptist 1951-1960
- AU4005-5 Queensland Baptist 1961-1970
- AU4005-6 Queensland Baptist 1971-1980
- AU4005-7 Queensland Baptist 1981-1990
- AU4006-1915 Queenslanders as we see 'em 1915
- AU4006-1916 Queenslanders as we see 'em 1916
- AU4007 Queenslanders Who Fought in the Great War 1914-18
- AU4008 The History of Maryborough
- AU4009 The Early History of Rockhampton
- AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1907-1920
- AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1941-1950
- AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1931-1940
- AU4010-4 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1941-1950
- AU4010-5 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1951-1960
- AU4010-6 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1961-1970
- AU4010-7 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1971-1979
- AU4010-8 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1941-1950
- AU4010-9 Queensland Baptist Year Books 1991-2000
- AU4010-10 Queensland Baptist Year Books 2001-2005
- AU4011 Queensland Railway and Tourist Guide
- AU4012 Central Queensland
- AU4013 Moreton Bay Settlement or Queensland Before Separation 1770-1859
- AU4014 The Roads of Queensland 1913
- AU4015 In the Early Days: History and Incident of Pioneer Queensland
- AU4016 The Genesis of Queensland
- AU4017 Darling Downs Centenary Souvenir 1840-1940
- AU4019 Bailliere's Queensland Gazetteer and Road Guide 1876
- AU4020 German Mission to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay 1841
- AU4021 Fox's History of Queensland 1919-23
- AU4022 Queensland, Australia
- AU4023 The Discovery and Settlement of Port Mackay, Queensland
- AU4024 Forty-Five Years Experience in North Queensland 1861-1905
- AU4025 Geographic History of Queensland
- AU4026 Historical Sketch of Gympie 1867-1927
- AU4027 Gympie in its Cradle Days: Reminiscences of Gympie's Pioneer Days
- AU4028 Queensland and Queenslanders 1936
- AU4029 Jubilee History of Queensland
- AU4031 Jubilee History of Ipswich 1910
- AU4032 Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907
- AU4033 The Gladstone Colony
- AU4034 Nomenclature of Queensland Railway Stations
- AU4035 Mount Morgan Gold Mine 1892
- AU4037 Queensland Men of the Time 1885-1900
- AU4038 Queensland 1900
- AU4039 Officers of the Queensland Defence Force 1891-1898
- AU4042 Brisbane: A Historical Sketch of the Capital of Queensland 1897
- AU4043 Fassifern Centenary 1844-1944
- AU4044 Jubilee History of Queensland 1900
- AU4045 Charters Towers Gold Mines 1892
- AU4046 Kenilworth Centenary 1850 to 1950
- AU4047 Sport and Pastime in Moreton Bay
- AU4048-1931 Greater Brisbane Area Atlas and Directory of Residents and Streets 1931
- AU4048-1938 Greater Brisbane Area Atlas and Directory of Residents and Streets c1938
- AU4048-1948 Greater Brisbane Area Atlas and Street Directory c1948
- AU4048-IND Greater Brisbane Area Alphabetical Index of Changed Street Names c1940s
- AU4049 Queensland's First Free Settlement 1838-1948
- AU4050 Tom Petrie's Reminiscences of Early Queensland Dating from 1837
- AU4051 A Visit to Queensland and Her Goldfields
- AU4052 History of the Colony of Queensland
- AU4053 Letters From Queensland
- AU4054 Goldfields of Queensland 1858-1899
- AU4055 A Queenly Colony
- AU4056 Our First Half-Century: A Review of Queensland Progress
- AU4057 Four Years in Queensland
- AU4058 From Chart House to Bush Hut
- AU4059 My Wife and I in Queensland
- AU4060 Never Never Land: A Ride in North Queensland
- AU4061 Place Names in Queensland, New Zealand and the Pacific
- AU4062 Queensland in Cameo: A Handbook of General Information Concerning North-East Australia
- AU4063 Cottage Gardening in Queensland
- AU4065 Cultivation of Sugar Cane in Queensland
- AU4066 Picturesque Australia: Its Flowers & Its Views: Queensland
- AU4067 Early Days in North Queensland
- AU4068 Pages from the Journal of a Queensland Squatter
- AU4069 Missing Friends: Being the Adventures of a Danish Emigrant in Queensland 1871-1880
- AU4070 The Queen of the Colonies: Queensland As I Knew It
- AU4071 Travel and Adventure in Northern Queensland
- AU4072 Cooksland in North-Eastern Australia: The Future Cottonfield of Great Britain
- AU4073 Flower Hunter in Queensland and New Zealand
- AU4074 Narrative of James Murrells' Seventeen Years Exile
- AU4075 New Chum in the Queensland Bush
- AU4076 Colonial Adventures and Experiences
- AU4077-10 The Grazier's Review Volume 10: April 1930-March 1931
- AU4077-11 The Grazier's Review Volume 11: April 1931-March 1932
- AU4077-13 The Grazier's Review Volume 13: April 1933-March 1934
- AU4078 Queensland Family Historian 1979-2010 Set: Journal of Queensland Family History Society
- AU4079 Cairns Historical Society Bulletins 1-550
- AU4080 Genealogical Society of Queensland: Generation Journal 1979-2008 and News Letters 1979-1989
- AU4082 The Pocket Brisbane
- AU4083-1926 Refidex Directory Maps: Greater Brisbane Area 1926
- AU4083-1949 Refidex Guide to Brisbane 1949
- AU4083-1950 Refidex Guide to Brisbane 1950
- AU4083-1951 Refidex Guide to Brisbane 1951
- AU4084 100 Years of the Lutheran Church in Queensland
- AU4085 Shell Motor Tours
- AU4102-1870 Queensland Blue Book 1870
- AU4102-1872 Queensland Blue Book 1872
- AU4102-1873 Queensland Blue Book 1873
- AU4102-1879 Queensland Blue Book 1879
- AU4102-1911 Queensland Blue Book 1911
Any computer using Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 4 or later
Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for titles with searchable text
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