
Queensland Government Gazette 1859-60 - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 34MB (692 pages)
Year: (1860) 2024
ISBN: 9781921175794
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Government Gazettes are a much underused source, partly because of their availability (you would usually only find them select archives offices or libraries), and partly because people don't know about them. Now everyone has access to this amazing resource.

The first Queensland Government Gazette was issued on 10 December 1859, and continued weekly since then. This CD-ROM is a compilation of those issued for all of 1859 and 1860 (from issue 1 to 79), a total of nearly 700 pages.

Full of fascinating information, both historical and genealogical, you will find information such as land transaction, legal notices, proclamations, insolvency and bankrupt notices, impoundments, partnerships, licences, contracts, government institutions and positions, statistics and much more. So if you've got an interesting in Queensland during this period - you're bound to find something of interest.


Colonial Secretary's Office
Brisbane, 19th January, 1860
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to make the following appointments in the Customs Department, viz:- William John Brown, Esq., to be Sub-Collector of Customs at Rockhampton; William Edward Hillyard, Esq., to be Sub-Collector of Customs at Port Curtis. by His Exellency's command, R.G.W. Herbert

In the Insolvent Estate of John Paterson, of Drayton, Storekeeper.
Whereas the estate of John Paterson was on the 21st day of November 1859, placed under sequestration by order of the Honorable Alfred James Peter Lytwyche, I hereby appoint a single meeting of the Creditors of the said Insolvent, to be holden before me at my office, Supreme Court House, Brisbane, on Thursday the second day of February next, to commence at 11 o'clock, a.m., for the proof of debt, against the said estate, and for the collection administration, and distribution of the same; and unless at the said single meeting it be shewn that the goods and effect of the said Insolvent exceed £100 - the Chief Commissioner will summarily proceed to rank the debts then proved and will direct the proceeds to be distributed by the Official Assignee accordingly - Dated at Brisbane the 6th day of January, 1860.
Official Assignee - William Pickering.
Alfred P. Lutwyche,
Judge of the Supreme Court

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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