
Queensland Cemeteries Monumental Inscriptions: Pine Rivers District

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD
Author: E. Kopittke & R. Kopittke
Year: 2008
ISBN: 9781921171178
Publisher: Queensland Family History Society

This CD presents, as a single pdf file, inscriptions on headstones and plaques in five old cemeteries in the Pine Rivers District, as transcribed, indexed and compiled for publication during 2001 and 2002 by Rosemary Kopittke. The material has been previously released as a set of two microfiche by QFHS; this re-release on CD makes the resource much more accessible and allows searching of the text of the full publication using Acrobat Reader.

The five cemeteries covered are Bunya Cemetery (Bunya Road, Bunya); Dayboro Cemetery (McKenzie St, Dayboro); Lawnton Cemetery (Norfolk Ave, Lawnton);
Samford Cemetery (School Rd, Samford Village); and Samsonvale Cemetery (Golds Scrub Lane, Samsonvale). The earliest inscription (Samford) relates to the death
in 1866 of John Charles Richards, infant son of Thomas and Elizabeth Richards. Bunya Cemetery is no longer in use but Dayboro, Lawnton, Samford and Samsonvale
Cemeteries all have recent burials. As well as the inscriptions, the file includes a combined index to all names referred to on the inscriptions and a sketch map of each cemetery, showing its sections. The entries cover approximately 2,500 people and the file represents 149 pages of inscriptions, maps and index.

The material on this CD is a valuable resource for family history research in the district, especially as time and vandalism take their toll on the headstones. As well as confirming or showing possible errors in the burial register, the MIs often show family relationships for 3 or 4 generations, including names of people not buried in the grave. Details can include parents, birth place and date, marriage information, titles and honours. Neighbouring plots can include related families.

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Queensland Cemeteries Monumental Inscriptions: Pine Rivers District

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