
Pioneers of the North-West of South Australia 1856-1914 - original 1925 edition - SOLD OUT

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 171 pages + foldout map)
Author: N. Richardson
Year: (1925)

Original 1925 edition. Front cover partially detached

Written by Norman A. Richardson in 1925, this charming little book is his attempt to relate as accurately as possible the history of the pastoral country west and north-west of Port Augusta and west of Lake Torrens, best known at the time as the Gawler Range and North-West country. His account ranges from 1856 to 1914 and includes photographs and detailed descriptions of the lands and pioneers themselves.

The first pastoral lease was granted in 1857. From that date up to 1870 my knowledge has been gained from Government records and from some of the original lessees, most of whom have since passed away. From 1870 the narrative is principally derived from my own knowledge and experience gained by having lived for over fifty years in the district and in close contact with all that occurred therein. With most of the pioneer police I was personally acquainted, having for forty-two years held all the mail contracts in this country-and I claim to know something about them. The anecdotes with which these records are interspersed are all founded on fact, and in many cases are related as they actually occurred. The men who bore the heat and burden of those early times blazed the track for those who successfully occupy the country to-day, and whose names and features in a few years' time would be forgotten were not some such record as I have tried to make in existence. -  N.A.Richardson



  • CHAPTER 1 - Lincoln Gap—Waitaka—Point Lowly—Murninie—Pan-durra—Carriwillia—Euro Bluff — Yudnapinna — Carrie-werloo—Caroona—U no.
  • CHAPTER II - Exploration of Gawler Ranges—Yardea—Paney— Yartoo—Hiltaby—Kondulka—Lake Everard—Kokatha —Wilchery—Siam — Noning— Kolendo—Coralbignie— Mt. 1 ve—Cacuppa—Middleback,
  • CHAPTER III - Moonarie—Kumberta—Exploration of the North-West —Death of Coulthard—Pernatty—The Elizabeth— Whittata—Yeltacowie — Oakden Hills — Coondambo—Wirraminna.
  • CHAPTER IV - Mount Eba—Bon Bon—Kincoonya—Arcoodaby—First surveyors — The Pines — Andamoka — Parakylia— Arcoona—Nuttoo up a tree—South Gap—Purple Downs — Wilgena — Yudnapinna -— First camels— Mahenewo—McDouall Peak.
  • CHAPTER V - Ernest Giles, explorer—C. J. Coates—New tracks—The Purple—Roxby Downs—Tarcoola—Abandonment and reoccupation of original stations—The future.


  • CHAPTER I - The first police camp in 1864—John Forrest arrives there in 1870—Camp removed to Yardea in 1872— Trooper Raymond and the murderer—Stone police station built at Yardea in 1882—Experiences of a young trooper—Arrest of supposed murderer at Andamoka.
  • CHAPTER II - Troopers Thomas (.'lode and John Bannigan -The first police in the North-West—Troopers Bailey. Jenner, and Buttfield—A diplomatic policeman—Trooper Shegog in the saddle.
  • CHAPTER III - The Swinden town siege—Attack on Barron Creek Telegraph Station—Death of Stapleton and Franks— Attempt to shoot Trooper Power—A good bit of surgical work.
  • CHAPTER IV - Early-day police at Alice Springs—First police at Tarcoola—Seeking the lost man—The black boy that was not a boy—Tracker Frank—The educated pony.


  1. CHAPTER I - Early-day mails—Arrival of the first coach in Port Augusta—A pound’s worth of pennies—First mail to the west of Spencer’s Gulf—Early-day identities connected with mails—First coach from Port Augusta to Yardea—A dive in the dark.
  2. CHAPTER II - The original ferryman—The doctored whisky—Sir Frederick Holder’s accident—The Labour members’-trip.
  3. CHAPTER III - First mail to the North-West—Long waterless stages— Firing the autocrat—The lost child—“ I winna go with they ”—A rough ride—The value of a nobbier of whisky—The lost man.
  4. CHAPTER IV - Mails extending—Bolting mules—The country post office—Sweating a mail horse—Cheap whisky—" My little bird has caught a fly ’’—The lost mail horse.
  5. CHAPTER V - Tarcoola gold rush—Presgrave’s memorials—Mail stuck up by camels —Twenty-five miles on a windlass-handle—The first motor—The camel calf and the human jawbone-—The last coach.
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Pioneers of the North-West of South Australia 1856-1914 - original 1925 edition - SOLD OUT

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