
Packhorse and Waterhole

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 132 pages
Author: G. Buchanan
Year: (1933) 1997
ISBN: 0859050696
Other: b&w photos, map
Publisher: Hesperian Press

In the Preface of the book, the author writes: 'Not least in the heroic band of Australia's founders were my father and mother. This book is an attempt to record their exploits and those of others who suffered hardships and faced dangers with fortitude, and courage, carrying the flag of Empire into the unknown open spaces of this continent. Across the Never-Never with packhorse or camel, these enterprising and dauntless men and women blazed the track and made straight the path for others to settle in comfort and security.'

'In common with many of these pioneers, my father kept no record of his far-flung achievements. Some details of his early travels and adventures have been gleaned from his widow, who shared his pioneering perils, from Landsborough's journals, Featherstonhaugh's book, and other sources. But the years have taken to themselves too much of his colourful life, leaving gaps which cannot now be filled.'

'It is my hope that this book will leave for posterity some record of the lives of this gallant couple and of many of their fellow pioneers who gave the best years of life to the opening up of the Great Outback, before the Commonwealth was born.

The classic of Northern Territory pastoral exploration. Bluey Buchanan, old 'Paraway', was one of Australia's greatest bushmen. His life story is told by his son who went with him on his later expeditions.

Biographical Note on the Author
Biographical Note
Chapter 1. The Land of Promise
Chapter 2. A Woman Pioneer
Chapter 3. Selection Before Survey
Chapter 4. Fresh Fields
Chapter 5. Overland to the Line
Chapter 6. Opening Up
Chapter 7. Overlanding with Cattle to the Northern Territory
Chapter 8. On Buchanan's Track Through No Man's Land
Chapter 9. Wave Hill
Chapter 10. Stocking Other Holdings
Chapter 11. With Cattle to the Ord
Chapter 12. Droving in East Kimberley
Chapter 13. Territory Conditions
Chapter 14. Difficulties
Chapter 15. Victoria River Country
Chapter 16. The Vital Track
Chapter 17. Greenhide Sam, Jack Watson and Others
Chapter 18. Enter - The Chinese
Chapter 19. The Black Tastes Beef
Chapter 20. White Man and Black
Chapter 21. The Last Great Exploring Trip
Chapter 22. Through the Kimberleys with Alex Forest
Chapter 23. Kimberley Days
Chapter 24. Sturt Creek
Chapter 25. Evensong

1 Review
  • Booklet

    Posted by Stephen Smith on 13th Jun 2024

    Good book about one of the greatest drovers
    Australian outback history, a facinating history Written on the 1930’s so if you P.C. Don’t read it.

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