New South Wales Telephone Directory 1950: Sydney - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
- SKU:
- AUE2119-1950
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF, 110MB (1080 pages)
Year: (1950) 2009
ISBN: 9781742223032
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
This New South Wales Telephone Directory includes the city of Sydney and metropolitan exchanges including: Woolloomooloo, Ashfield, Castle Hill, Hornsby, Avalon Beach, Manly, Parramatta, Liverpool, Sutherland and many more. Directions on how to make local and trunk calls including their costs are listed along with much general but relevant information.
Also included is a Classified Telephone Directory which contains a list of all business and professional subscribers, classified under the headings of their 'respective callings'.
Organisations - Cont'd
- Blind Institution Royal Sydney Industrial WilliamSt.. .. .. MA 6601
- Helen Keller Hosptl for Blind Women WaimeaAvWlhra.. .. .. FB 1007
- Haven Hostel for Blind Men ChesterStWlhra.. .. .. FW 5528
- Blind Women's Hostel ChesterStWlhra.. .. .. FW 5528
- Blinded Servicemen's Club N.S.W. WilliamSt.. .. .. M 6056
- Blinded Soldiers' Assscn of N.S.W. 56CatalpaCrTmurra.. .. .. JJ 1459
- Blood Horse Breeders Asscn of Aust The 18MartinPl.. .. .. BW 6645
- Boilermakers Socy of Aust 33AIlenAvBlmre.. .. .. UL 3195
- Bolivian Indian Mission 17MaximRyde.. .. .. WY 3306
- Bondi Waverley School of Arts 138BondiRd.. .. .. FW 3345
- Bondi Yulunga OxfordStBondiJnctn.. .. .. FW 5722
- Bookmakers Clerks Club WilmotSt.. .. .. MA 5216
- Boot&Shoe Manufacturers&Allied Trades Asscn 65York.. .. .. BX 2518
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