
New South Wales Police Gazette 1936 - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 84MB (948 pages)
Year: (1936) 2023
ISBN: 9781742224466
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

A truly fascinating read, even if you don't have family there - the Police Gazettes contain a whole host of information about people and events that happened throughout the year.

Generally issued weekly, the Police Gazettes were published to provide information and instructions to members of the police force, and as such, you can find information here that you will not find anywhere else.

There are literally thousands of names of people mentioned throughout the years issues, and not just for those who committed robbery or murder, but for those that have items stolen, or those that found items, inquests, missing friends or family are often mentioned, changes in the police force, illegal immigrants, and sometimes deaths in public places in included. There are also warrants issued, and apprehensions, deserters from service, and deserters from family, prisoners discharged and well as those who escaped ... and more.

SAMPLE ENTRY (from the 2 September 1936 issue):

Warrants Issued
Newcastle. Newcastle Bench-HOWARD ROACH or AMERY, obtain a 1928 National model Chevrolet roadster, painted two-tone brown, reg. No. 165-165, engine No. 4352031, chassis No. 271224, the registration of which expired on the 25th ult., value £95, at Newcastle, on the 22nd ult., by false pretences, issued on the 27th ult., and signed by C.T. Naylor, J.P.; 35 to 40, 5 ft. 10 to 6 ft., med. build, stoops slightly when walking, slouchy gait, fair compl., heavy florid features, bald on front, blue eyes, may have a ginger moustache, large mouth, front teeth broken, wears spectacles occasionally, may speak with an Americal (sic) accent and boasts of having obtained engineering and chemistry degrees; grey worsted suit, khaki sports shirt, light-brown felt hat with a very narrow band and tan shoes. Believed to be travelling towards Queensland in the car. Complainant, Michael Sweeney, 11 Eddon-st., Adamstown. Warrant filed at Newcastle.

A useful record not just for genealogists, but for local historians and social historians in finding out about the happenings and people of a particular area.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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New South Wales Police Gazette 1936 - EBOOK

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