New South Wales Police Gazette 1931-1938 - USB
Archive Digital Books Australasia
- SKU:
- AU2103C-1931
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Media: USB (8 volumes, 7674 pages)
Year: (1931-1938) 2023
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
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Police gazettes provided information and instructions to members of the police force. You can expect the New South Wales Police Gazettes to include the following information that will usually list names and sometimes personal details, descriptions with photograph. Addresses and/or occupations may be an added bonus for the researcher:
- apprehensions
- complainants
- deaths in public places
- escapees and absconders from custody
- lost or stolen property and stock - names of victims; sketches of jewellery and watches
- deserting wives, families, etc
- deserting from military service
- deserting from merchant vessels
- inquests
- missing friends
- persons suspected or wanted for a crime and warrants issued
- police promotion examination results and appointments
- prisoners discharged from gaols
- prisoners released on tickets of leave (under licence)
- prohibited immigrants
Attempted Murder
Sydney.-JOSEPH MORRIS (19), charged with maliciously wounding Richard Larkin, at Kensington, on the 15th November,1930, with intent to murder, has been arrested by Constable 1st Class Breen and Constables Gray, O'Rourke and Flood, Sydney Police. Committed for trial at the Central Criminal
Stealing from Person.
Sydney.-About 7 p.m. the 16th inst., Hildaro Kosaka, Rochester-st., Homebush, was robbed of the sum of £10, whilst on the Central Railway Station, by 2 men, 1st, 30, 5 ft. 6 in., med. build, fair compl.; navy-blue suit, and grey hat; 2nd, 33 to 35, 5 ft. 9 in., med. build, fair compl.; dark suit, and a grey felt hat. Can be ident.
Deserting Wives and Children, Affiliations etc
Ashfield.-Burwood Bench-LEONARD ALBERT SIMMONS, disobey order for the support of his wife and child (£3;14s. and 8s. costs due), issued on the 16th February, 1933, and signed by H. S. Beveridge, J.P.; 24, 5 ft. 41 in., med. build, about 91 stone, dark compl., light-brown hair, brown eyes, clean shaved; grey trousers, brown coat, grey felt hat, and brown shoes; a fitter. Warrant at Ashfield.
ERIC HADLOW, 151, about 5 ft., nuggety build, fair compl. and hair, brown eyes, scar on one cheek; grey coat, blue knickers, blue shirt, blue pullover with white collar, either grey or black stockings, and black shoes; no hat; left his home, 30 Bruce-st., Stanmore, on the 5th ult. Inquirer, John Hadlow (father), at the above address.
Demand Money with Menaces
Redfern.-Description of two men, NAMES UNKNOWN, who about 10 p.m. the 23rd ult., entered the B.A.P. Motor Garage, 32 City-rd., Darlington, demanded money from Sidney Schuback, and stone the sum of £1:1st, 35, 5 ft. 11 in., med. build, dark compl., clean shaved; dark suit and a black double-breasted overcoat; 2nd, 30, 5 ft. 8 in., med. to stout build, fair compl., clean shaved; grey or fawn overcoat with belt attached and a grey felt hat. The first described can be ident.
This USB contains high quality scanned images all 10 year's issues. It has been bookmarked for easy navigation. and pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
New South Wales Police Gazette 1931
New South Wales Police Gazette 1932
New South Wales Police Gazette 1933
New South Wales Police Gazette 1934
New South Wales Police Gazette 1935
New South Wales Police Gazette 1936
New South Wales Police Gazette 1937
New South Wales Police Gazette 1938
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