
New South Wales Police Gazette 1871 - CD second

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD
Year: (1871) 2007
ISBN: 978192130264
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

This product is sold as a CD SECOND or SPARE.

"CD seconds" or "spares" are perfectly good data wise, but have been put aside due to:

  • faulty label printing, e.g. off colour or misaligned. A few have been manually labelled or corrected
  • over-produced initially, so offered as "spares" to clear

They are all offered at 60% to 90% discount (from the normal price). They will be supplied in clear CD sleeves, rather than the normal CD cases. In many cases they are the last available, i.e. they won't be available, even at full price, when sold out.


If you had family living in New South Wales in 1871, have you thought of looking in Police Gazettes for information? These are a truly unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians.

Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else. Apart from any changes within the police force which are all listed (promotions, demotions, dismissals, deaths etc), information is also given on housebreak-ins, robberies, arson, murders, lost horses and cattle, deserters, escaped prisoners, missing friends, reports on those released, even deaths reported to the police (together with their place of death and cause of death given). Notices from interstate police gazettes are sometimes included.

A fascinating read for learning about the social history of the time, even if you don't have family there - this CD contains all 52 issues that were produced for the year.

Unique features of this particular year's worth of issues is that they contain lists of Publicans' licences issued. Information that these give is persons name, situation of hotel, and hotel name.

SAMPLE ENTRIES (from the 8 November 1871 issue):

Stolen, between the 29th ultimo and 1st instant from the vestry of the Anglican Church, Bong Bong, the property of the Rev. H. Barker, six bottles of port wine. Suspicion attached to a man about 60 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion, dark hair mixed with gray, and short gray beard; dressed in old dark clothes and hat; a blacksmith; was seen at Bargo, on the 2nd instant, going towards Picton.

Miscellaneous Information
W.G. Morris, supercargo of the steam-boast "Maranoa", summoned by Senior-constable Moesche, Wilcannia Police, on two charges of hawking without a licence, has been fined £6 for each offence and costs.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the years worth of issues. This CD has been bookmarked for easy navigation, and pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

Any computer using Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 4 or later
Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for CDs with searchable text

1 Review
  • Police Gazette 1871

    Posted by Kay Williams on 10th Dec 2024

    An excellent primary source for the period, which greatly simplifies researching from home: We need more copies from other dates !

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New South Wales Police Gazette 1871 - CD second

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