New South Wales Police Gazette 1866 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 35MB (489 pages)
Year: (1866) 2023
ISBN: 9781921230066
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
Police Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes therefore contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else.
Published once a week, this CD includes every issue that was released during 1866 for New South Wales. You will find information such as court lists, lists of warrants issued, appointments and changes in the Police Service, lists of Justices of the Peace, lists of arrests and discharges (which include descriptions), escaped prisoners, and missing persons, as well as lists for numerous licences. Notices from Police Gazettes from other states are also often included.
Arson - 24 January 1866
Sometime during the night of the 7th instant, a slap hut or shed, at Gosford, the property of John Hickey, West Maitland, was destroyed by fire; supposed to be the act of incendiary. Suspicion attached to a woman named Hannah Irvin. No warrant issued.
Robberies with Arms or Violence, or from the Person - 24 January 1866
Warrants have been issued by the Braidwood Bench for the arrest of Thomas Clarke and William Berriman, charged with robbing (under arms) Mr. George Summers' store at Jembaicumbene, on the 13th instant. The undermentioned property was stolen:- A lady's gold Geneva watch, number unknown, dark spot on dial-plate; gold brooch, three leaves with pearl in centre, pin broken; 5 1 pound notes, Banks and numbers unknown; 5 pairs Bedford cord trousers; 3 pairs Shepherd's plaid trousers; 3 boxes fancy Crimean shirts; 2 dark doeskin suits; 10 or 12 pairs Wellington boots; 5 pairs boy's nailed Blucher boots; 1 piece of crimson merino; 2 lady's riding-whips; and a few pairs of lady's and children's boots. Value 45 pounds.
Horses and Cattle - 2 May 1866
The horses numbered 4 in this week's list, the property of George Tailby, are supposed to have been stolen by John Tasker alias Jack the Devil. He is about 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, dark brown hair, sandy beard and whiskers; has a sister residing at a hotel in Goulburn, kept by a man named Prior. No warrant issued.
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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