
New South Wales Government Gazette 1884- USB

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Media: USB flash drive (8783 pages)
Year: (1884) 2024
ISBN: 9781921957185
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

The Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of Australia and its people in the past.

The New South Wales Government Gazette of 1884 contains:
 - appointees to government positions
 - appointments/resignations to/from Public School Boards; lists of teachers and Pupil teachers who gained promotion
 - dissolution of business partnerships
 - errors in deeds
 - horse and cattle brands
 - insolvents
 - lapsed and forfeited conditional purchases of land, pre-emptive leases; applicants for mining leases; unrenewed auction leases
 - licenses for auctioneers; brewers; colonial wine; publicans; billiard and bagatelle; spirit merchants and more
 - licensed surveyors
 - magistrates appointed
 - medical practitioners, chemists and druggists
 - ministers of religion for the celebration of marriages
 - permission to ringbark
 - petitions and counter-petitions for/against Municipalities
 - proclamations
 - probate and letters of administration notices
 - schedule of roads applied for to be closed and alienated (and the applicants)
 - shareholders (mining companies)
 - tenders for public works
 - trustees for recreation reserves, commons, church sites and burial grounds, cemeteries and more
 - unclaimed letters
 - and much more


NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership formerly carried on by the undersigned, Angus Robertson, Duncan Robertson, and David Sheriff Robertson, at and on the Stations or Runs called or known as Yarrabee, Goree, Bowna, Bingagong, and Colkamiminan, in the Murrumbidgee District of the Colony of New South Wales, under the firm of "Angus Robertson & Bros.," was dissolved by mutual consent on the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three.—
Dated this twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.


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New South Wales Government Gazette 1884- USB

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