
New South Wales Government Gazette 1847 - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 89MB (1590 pages)
Year: (1847) 2024
ISBN: 9781921230004
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Government Gazettes are a much underused source, partly because of their availability (you would usually only find them in select archives offices or libraries), and partly because people don't know about them. Now everyone has access to this amazing resource.

The Government Gazettes were weekly newspapers (although there were extra issues produced as well from time to time), and this CD contains all issues that were released for the year 1847 in New South Wales. Full of fascinating information, both historical and genealogical, you will find information such as land transactions, legal notices, insolvency and bankrupt notices, impoundments, patent applications, absconders, deserters, tickets-of-leave for prisoners, missing people, partnerships, licences, contracts, government institutions and positions, statistics and much more. So if you've got an interest in New South Wales during this period - you're bound to find something of interest.


Tickets of Leave - 22 January 1847
The Tickets of Leave of the undermentiond Prisoners of the Crown have been cancelled for the reasons stated opposite their respective names:-
John Brown, Claudine, not paying hospital fees; Newcastle Bench.
Joshua Illingworth Jennings, Neva, being of unsound mind; Goulburn Bench.
William Kilner, Woodbridge, attempt at fraud; Mudgee Bench.
Thomas Elmer, Hooghley, pilfering from master; Port Macquarie Bench.

Colonial Secretary's Office - 14 May 1847
Sydney, 17th March, 1847
Twenty Pounds Reward, or a Conditional Pardon
Whereas Warrants have been issued by the Maitland and Wollongong Benches, for the apprehension of a man names Peter Pidgeon, on a charge of Murder, and the said Pidgeon has absconded, His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that a Reward of Twenty Pounds will be paid to any free person or persons who shall apprehend and ldge in safe custody the said Peter Pidgeon; or if he be so apprehended by a prisoner of the Crown, application will be made to Her Majesty for the allowance to such prisoner of the Crown of a Conditional Pardon, to take effect in all parts of the world except the Country in which he was convicted.
Peter Pdigeon (whose personal description is subjoined) is well known on the Hunter and Paterson Rivers.
By His Excellendy's Command,
E. Deas Thomson.

Name-Peter Pidegon;
Native Place-Maryborough;
Trade or calling-Labourer;
Age-About 54 years;
Height-About 5 feet 4 inches;
Hair-Dark brown mixed with grey;
General Remarks-Whiskers grey, small scar outer corner of right eyebrow, another on the bridge of nose, scar on the back of middle, third, and little fingers of right hand.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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1 Review
  • Review of New South Wales Government Gazette 1847

    Posted by Ann-Laurice Johnson on 12th May 2019

    Extremely easy to use. Very informative. I did not find what I was hoping to find but learnt a lot more of background information

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