
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Scotland 1847 and Atlas - EBOOK

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File format: PDF, 199MB  
ISBN: 9781921957116

Author: S. Lewis
Year: 1847
Included: 2 vols + extra vol of maps (1294 pages)
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia


Samuel Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Scotland was published in 1847 as a 3 volume set (2 for the topographical dictionary and 1 for the atlas), and is very important reference work for historians and genealogists of the mid nineteenth century Scotland.

He gives details about every parish, town and village in Scotland, including numbers of inhabitants, the economy, history, topography, religion and parish structures, administration and courts, schools and much more. It includes a comprehensive index of the places described "embracing the mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, headlands, seats, antiquities, &c."

The third volume containing the Atlas is extremely rare, contains a series of maps covering the whole of Scotland in six parts in full colour. Scanned at high resolution, these can be enlarged to read the place names written on the maps.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Scotland 1847 and Atlas - EBOOK

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