How to Write Your Family History: A Guide to Creating, Planning, Editing and Publishing Family Stories
Unlock the Past
- SKU:
- UTP0324
- Availability:
- Usually Ships Within 7 Days
Media: BOOK - paperback, 32 pages
Author: N. Kyle
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9781921956300
Other: further reading, index
Publisher: Unlock the Past
At some time as you tread the seductive, wonderful pathway of completing more and more research, you might just want to lift your head from this pile of collected data and think about how, where and in what way your will write and publish the family history.
Noeline outlines strategies to get you to the desk and writing. The book will show you how to identify and choose a format for writing family stories, to understand and apply strategies to plan and create your characters, to construct chapters and apply the basics of writing/rewriting, editing, planning and publishing to produce and professional, valuable and very readable family history.
Barriers to getting started
Collect until you drop syndrome
Family history is not 'everything' that happened in the past
Questions to find dates - Where, who, how?
- Where do you begin?
- Who are you writing for?
- How will you write?
Creative chronology
Planning - where do you want to go with this story and how to plan it?
Setting limits
A hook to hang your story on
How do you choose your hook?
A favourite character
- Paper publishing
- Electronic publishing
- Software
- Get some to read and edit your writing
- Checking facts
- Repetition and consistency
Good historical manners
- Plagiarism
- Copyright
- Legal deposit
- International Book Standard Number (ISBN)
- Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP)
- Privacy/permissions/ethics
Getting your book oout to readers - marketing and promotion
- Book launch
- Dostribution
Writing exercises
- Write about your research/writing journey
- Exercising the imagination
Style sheet
Useful websites for writing, editing and publishing tips
- Writing
- Editing
- Publishing
Further reading
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