
Directory of Glasgow 1787 (Jones) - EBOOK

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Year: (1787) 2008
ISBN: 9781921494512
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

An alphabetical list and addresses for Glasgow merchants, manufacturers, traders and shopkeepers magistrates, counsellors and city clerks, trade guild officials, banking staff, University of Glasgow staff, clergy, physicians and surgeons, sheriffs, commissaries, judicial officers, procurators, customs officials, post office staff, hospitals management, teachers, prison keepers, beadles.

Directories are one of the most effective ways of tracing members of a family, especially tradesmen. Many small businesses needed to ensure the public was aware of their activity and one of the better ways to do this in an age before media dominated was via a directory. The value of directories as a research tool is enhanced when no census material is available.

 An extract from page 27:

ADAM John, mason and architect, Adam's Court, Argyle-street
Adam Alex. printer, Montgomery's closs, Prince's-street

Aitken Robert, sen. merchant taylor, Finnieston
Aitken Wm. woollen & linen-draper, Trongate, No. 19
Aitken James, do. do. do.
Aitken Robert, jun. taylor, north side Prince's-street
Aitken John, maltman and brewer, Havannah-street
Aitken James, mason, Gallowgate, No. 50
Aitken James, porter-brewer, Struthers' brewerie
Aitken William, taylor, shop Saltmarket, No. 62
Aitchefon Walter, spirit-dealer, Trongate, No. 116
Aiton John, taylor, shop Saltmarket, No. 58
Aird William, saddler, south side Argyle-street

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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Directory of Glasgow 1787 (Jones) - EBOOK

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