Cyclopedia of South Australia 1907-09 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 100MB (2 vols, 1751 pages)
Author: H. Burgess
Year: (1907-09) 2023
ISBN: 9781920978839
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
The Cyclopedias that were published for most states of Australia around the beginning of the 20th Century are a vast resource of historical and biographical information on the state concerned - the people, towns, industries, professional, commercial and social institutions and much more.
They include thousands of illustrations, the larger number of these being portraits of those whose biographies are included. These are not just the rich and famous, but include a high percentage of the ordinary citizens in each community.
Includes facsimile images of the entire two volumes of the original 1907-1909 edition.
- 642 pages, 600 photographs and 500 biographies
- General overview - geography. scenery, climate, geology, paleontology, mineralogy, fauna, flora,
- aborigines of South Australia - numbers, tribal and social organisation, customs, rite and ceremonies etc.
- History of South Australia
- Legislature - Commonwealth and state
- Government, parliament and the legislature
- Government departments
- Legal and Judicial
- Men of Mark
- Consular
- Defence - Naval and Military Forces in South Australia
- Hospitals, medical, asylums, the destitute poor
- Crown Lands, Immigration and Agriculture - lands, mines roads, fisheries, stock and brands, woods and forests, parks and gardens
- Public Works - water supply, railways, tramways, harbours
- Educational - library, museum and art gallery
- Local government - Adelaide, Port Adelaide and various suburban councils and suburban "districts"
- The South Australian Press
- Banking, Insurance and Finance
- The Stock Exchange of Adelaide
- Professions - architects and surveyors, accountants
- Commerce and industry
- General Index to Biographies in Volume 1
- 1112 pages, nearly 2300 photographs and 2100 biographies
- Explorers and exploration
- The River Murray
- Educational - university, school of mines, collegiate schools
- Ecclesiastical - various denominations and undenominational organisations
- Philanthropic institutions
- Industry - agriculture, pastoral, horticulture, viticulture, secondary rural industries, mining
- Medical, dental, pharmaceutical
- Freemasonry, friendly societies
- Scientific, literary and other associations
- Political organisations
- Sporting and recreation
- Music and drama
- Health resorts
- Adelaide tramways, fire brigades
- Markets,
- Shipping
- Land agents and auctioneers
- Commerce and industry
- Stock and station agents
- General
- COUNTRY TOWNS - by region and town - occupying the major part of this volume
- The Northern Territory
- Broken Hill New South Wales
- General Index to Biographies in Volume 1
The entire text from the two volumes is searchable - names, places and any other words in the text or advertisements.
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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1 Review
Development of South Australia
These books cover the development of South Australia in a lot more depth. Again the various governors to date (1907-19019) as well as the establishment of the Parliamentary System, Hospitals, the Jusitice system the education system and many other establishments taken for granted in today's times. They all had to start somewhere and Volume One has a good coverage of the beginnings.
Volume Two
Covers the development of many of the suburbs and country towns and those who have contributed to their development. The biographies were contributed by the people themslves and so are a true and accurate description of their lives and what they have been able to achieve. Being a later publication to Aldines history it has more in depth reviews of the people discussed. It shows how much further South Australia has developed from the struggling first settlement in 1836-39.
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