Court and City Register 1794 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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File format: PDF, 30MB (675 pages)
Year: (1794) 2012
ISBN: 9781922063274
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
Compiled in 1794 this "Court and City Register" is rather like an Almanac, in that it has a lot of useful information on different topics compiled together into one volume.
Once you get beyond civil registration, apart from parish records, it can be hard to find traces of your ancestors. This book is full of many random bits and pieces, you could even find your relatives listed.
Covering England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in this amazing little book you will find not only an actual calendar for the year 1794 with gardening tips, but you'll also find information like:
- who was in the Parliament at that time
- a chronology of remarkable events
- information on the principal roads in England and Wales together with distances
- a short geographical description of the World, covering Europe, Asia, Africa and America
- details of all the fairs on around the UK for the year
There are details of people who worked in the royal household, and this covers everything from the pastry chefs, to the silver scullery, to those in charge of the wine cellar and the spicery, to clerks and chaplains, to gardeners, to the surgeons and dentists who served the Royals. Even those in charge of the children's nursery and the horse stables are listed.
There are details of ships in the Royal Navy together with a chronological list of Admirals, Captains, Commanders and Masters of the Navy. And the military section is quite detailed especially with those who have a rank.
You''ll find lists of hospitals together the name of board members, and senior staff. Names of customs officers and those who worked at the Excise office are also listed The lists of the nobility cover not just the Kings and Queens of the world (including mini family trees of some), but the Knights, Viscounts, Bishops, Barons and Lords are all recorded.
So much information in such a little book, and the above description only covers the first 250 pages out of the 600+.
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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