Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners Report 1850 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
- SKU:
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 9MB (211 pages)
Year: (1850) 2026
ISBN: 9781920978273
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
This official report, the 10th general report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, will give useful insight to family and general historians of the state of the various colonies in 1850. This covers the first 58 pages of this volume. The remaining 160 pages however is taken up with 56 appendixes covering a wide range of interests touching most of the British colonies. It is here that much fascinating material can be gleaned.
After some preliminary remarks and other general matter the report deals one by one with the following colonies:
Australian colonies
- New South Wales
- Van Diemen's Land
- Western Australia
- South Australia
New Zealand
North American colonies
- Canada
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia and Cape Breton
- Prince Edward Island
West Indies
Cape of Good Hope
District of Natal
Hong Kong
Emigration Returns
No. 1. - A Return of the Emigrants who embarked from the several Ports of the United Kingdom in 1849
No. 2. - Analytical Return of the Emigration from th« United Kingdom in 1849
No. 3. - A Return of Emigration from the United Kingdom during the 25 years from 1825 to 1849
No. 4. - Estimated Expenditure, Public and Private, in 1849, on Emigration of Steerage Passengers
No. 5. - New South Wales. Statement of Land Revenue of Sydney and Port Phillip Districts, from 1843 to 1848
No. 6. - New South Wales. Table showing the Progress of the Colony from 1839 to 1848; and Table showing the Number of Acres planted with the Grape Vine, and amount of Live Stock in the Colony
No. 7. - Abstract of Order in Council of 6th October, 1849, for preserving Order and securing Cleanliness arid Ventilation, on board of Passenger Ships from United Kingdom to any of Her Majesty's Possessions abroad; and Additional Regulations for Emigrant Ships sailing under the superintendence of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners
No. 8. - New South Wales. Returns o( Ships and Emigrants despatched by Public Funds to Sydney and Port Phillip
No. 9. - New South Wales. Tables exhibiting the Selection and Character of Emigrants, and the Conduct of the Surgeons, in Ships dispatched to Sydney and Port Phillip, since commencement of Emigration in 1847
No. 10. - New South Wales. Table showing the number of Ships taken up by the Commissioners, classified according to their size
No. 11. - New South Wales. Regulations for the Conduct of the Emigrants' Chaplain at Sydney
No. 12. - Van Diemen's Land. Copy of Sir W. Denison's Despatch to Earl Grey, dated 18th May, 1849, No. 72, on the Coal-fields of the Colony
No. 13. - Van Diemen's Land. Notice to Persons desirous of purchasing Land, dated 27th August, 1849
No. 14. - Western Australia. Memorandum respecting the formation of the Colonization Assurance Company
No. 15. - Western Australia. Order in Council establishing Regulations for the Occupation of Crown Lands
No. 16. - South Australia. Proclamation establishing Regulations for the Occupation of Crown Lands
No. 17. - South Australia. Order in Council on same subject
No. 18. - South Australia. Extracts from Sir H. Young's Despatch of 8th June, 1849
No. 19. - South Australia. Summary of Reports on the Emigrants sent out in Ships chartered by the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners
No. 20. - South Australia. Extract from Mr. Trewartha's Report, 20th April, 1849, on the Mineral Districts of the Province
No. 21. - South Australia. Return of Ships and Emigrants despatched by Public Fund
No. 22. - Return of Land Devils in New South Wales, South Australia, and the Cape of Good Hope
New Zealand
No. 23. - New Zealand. A Proclamation prescribing Regulations for the Depasturing of Cattle on the Waste Lands in New Ulster
North American Colonies
No. 24. - Canada. Extract from a Report of a Committee of the Executive Council on matters of State, 5th February, 1850, on Facilities of Transit through the Province
No. 25. - I. Extract from a Report of a Committee of the Legislative Council on Immigration, dated 9th February, 1845. I I . Return of Quantity of Sugar produced in the years from 1840 to 1847
No. 26. - I. Summary of the Number of Immigrants introduced in each year since the Immigration from India was reopened, to the 30th November, 1849. I I . Further particulars respecting the above Immigration.
No. 27. - Table showing the Proportion per Cent, of Engagements made respectively at various Rates of Wages
No. 28. - Return showing the Number of Immigrants landed in Mauritius in 1849, the Number who have been in the Colony before, and the Amount taken by these persons on their return to India
No. 29. - Statement showing the Number of Immigrants who have returned to India during the year 1849
West Indies
No. 30. - Return of Immigrants introduced into the West Indian Colonies and Mauritius since the Abolition of Slavery, to the end of 1849
No. 31. - Agreement with Messrs. Hyde, Hodge, and Co.
From: Tables exhibiting the Selection and Character of Emigrants, and the Conduct of the Surgeons, &c
- Name of Ship: General Hewitt.
- Selection and Character of Emigrants: Immigrants of good description, with the exception of some of the single females, who were of bad character; one woman deformed
- Conduct of Surgeon: Surgeon kind, attentive, and skilful, but too easy and inactive.
- Name of Ship: Walter Morrice.
- Selection and Character of Emigrants: Nine cases of alleged ineligibility for free passages. Too many mechanics.
- Conduct of Surgeon: Surgeon devoid of energy and system.
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