
Chronicles of Crime Volumes 1 and 2 - EBOOK

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Oct 31 2020, 24:00:00
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File format: PDF, 56MB (2 vols, 1356 pages)
Author: C. Pelham
Year: (1841) 2008
ISBN: 9781921494499
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Newgate Prison was a prison in London, at the corner of Newgate Street and Old Bailey just inside the City of London. The prison was extended and rebuilt many times, and remained in use for over 700 years, from 1188 to 1902.

"Chronicles of Crime or the New Newgate Calendar" is a biographical record of the more notorious criminals confined at Newgate. "The New Newgate Calendar" was first published in 1773, and has continued over the years with numerous compilers. In 1886, Camden Pelham published this two volume set which contains "a series of memoirs and anecdotes of notorious characters who have outraged the laws of Great Britain from the earliest period to the present time".

Listing the details of both the people and cases, you will find men and women who have been caught being coiners, extortioners, forgers, fraudulent bankrupts, footpads, highwaymen, housebreakers, incendiaries, imposters, murderers, mutineers, money-droppers, pirated, pickpockets, rioters, sharpers, traitors and much more.

An interesting read for anyone, but invaluable information if you happen to find a relative listed here.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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Oct 31 2020, 24:00:00

Chronicles of Crime Volumes 1 and 2 - EBOOK

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