
Aldine History of South Australia - EBOOK

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD (1089 pages)
Author: W. Morrison
Year: (1890) 2007
ISBN: 9781921416828
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Following on from the success of both the Aldine History of Queensland and the Aldine History of New South Wales, South Australia was next for W. Frederic Morrison. Published in 1890 in two volumes which total over 1000 pages, these rare volumes contain a comprehensive and well illustrated record of South Australia at the time.

The first volume is divided into thirty-two chapters and covers topics including the early explorers, geography, aborigines, flora and fauna, education, religion, recreation, as well as primary and secondary resources, governors of South Australia and the Constitution. Volume two has one more chapter which concludes the history section. This is then followed by about 400 pages of biographies of early South Australians.

These include biographies of many in Adelaide as well as 71 country regions around the state. There are 143 illustrations, many in colour of people and scenes around South Australia. The biographies often include information such as name, year born, place born, when they emigrated, and usually their working life, and other interesting tidbits.

This valuable resource of South Australian history and biographies is a must for all with an interest in the early history of this colony and the families represented.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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